They include imagery (NAIP), roads, place name s, hydrography, elevation contour s and boundaries. mxd files and resources: 83.92 MB: application/zip: MinLAWopen.zip Complete translation of the geodatabases into shapefiles, dbf files, and text: 40.

WFS - Web Feature Service - Information about the data available in the SDMI BDL Available for integration into custom Google Maps, OpenLayers, or ESRI FlexAPI applications: WMS Tile Interfaces. WMS - Web Mapping Service - Imagery layers served directly to your GIS client. We have a web page with detailed information about Alaska Mapped’s OGC web services, including Web Map Services ( WMS), Web Coverage Services ( WCS), and Web Feature Services ( WFS). Digital Raster Graphics (DRGs) are scanned, digitized and georeferenced USGS topographic maps at 1:24,000, 1:100,00 and 1:250,000 scale. The protocols that drive all of Alaska Mapped’s web services derive from Open Geospatial Consortium ( OGC) web service open standards. Landsat, scanned USGS topographic maps (digital raster graphics - DRG) and NOAA navigational charts are also avialable.
The Alaska Mapped online map allows user to view, search, and download airborne and satellite imagery and digital elevation model data (DEM).